What is OLPAC?

Our area of expertise

OLPAC project, a product by PRIS-NAT

Natural Hazard

Hazard Management

With robust experience in landslide hazard management PRIS-NAT has the ambition to become a key contributor of population protection.

Global Warming

Adaptation to Climate Change

PRIS-NAT is a company turned to the future, our objective is to anticipate future changes and their impacts.

Global Warming


PRIS-NAT is at the cutting edge of innovation, anticipating and answering the issues of today and future.

Our Partners

OLPAC Consult

OLPAC Consult is an expert system that offers help in the decision making, based on climatic scenarios estimating instabilities and associated mudslides over time in the pre-selected area.
It generates indicative hazard maps required for territory management (construction permits, communication path, highway structures and more).


Olpac Web is a pre-alert system monitoring in real-time the evolution of soil stability related to precipitation. Improving sensitive area security is a direct application of OlpacWeb system (civil infrastructures, properties, engineering structures and more).


  • Landslides and associated mudslides indicative hazard maps.

  • Maps of the hazard evolution depending on climate change or deforestation.

  • Alert triggering service (territory, roads, highway structures, grid and more).

Areas currently followed in realtime

  • Area of Val d'Illiez since 2018.

  • Area of Sierre since 2020.

About the OLPAC Project

The OLPAC project is the result of 25 years of research:

  • 1995-2000

    Birth of the idea

    The first version of OLPAC arises from research works of an Internation Program in Ecuador. The prototype took the form of a GIS script developed with the Research Institute for Development (RID).

  • 2001-2011

    Beginning of a deep research work

    Thanks to research works and applications on concrete cases, the existing method has been enriched with new bases: integration of a semi-dynamical model for the calculation of hydrogeological balance in soil.

  • 2011-2020

    Beginning of a partnership with the FOEN (Switzerland)

    Beginning of a partnership with the FOEN (Swiss Federal Office for the Environment) and the Vaud Canton. Design of a new product: Olpac Consult.

  • 2016-2020

    Pilot Project of OLPAC Web

    Setting the first test site for the realtime monitoring in the Val d'Illiez (Switzerland) in partnership with the FOEN and the Valais Canton. Development of new algorithms for the management of the landslides flow, with the help of the FOEN Innovation services.

  • 2020

    Reliability of alert sending with OLPAC

    After two unfavourable meteorological conditions and the forecast of an import quantity of rain, OLPAC Web sent an alert. Multiple landslides occurred after the forecast date provided by the OLPAC alert.

  • OLPAC at the
    cutting edge of

Contact us

For any question or interest in more precise documentation on the OLPAC project, please drop us a message below.